Thursday, November 3, 2011

Which Colonial Power ended its involvement in India by Selling the rights of the Nicobar Islands to the British on October16, 1868.

Which Colonial Power ended its involvement in India by Selling the rights of the Nicobar Islands to the British on October16, 1868. Indian clerk wins game show with history question Indian clerk wins game show with history question 5 Crore Ques : Which Colonial Power ended its involvement in India by Selling the rights of the Nicobar Islands to the British on October16, 1868. A. Belgium B Italy C. Denmark D. France Correct Answer : C. Denmark nicobar islands colonial power,october 16 1868 nicobar islands,october 16 1868 colonial power,selling rights of nicobar islands,today question on kbc 03-11-2011 ghar bite

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